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Liquid Chef Mixology Ingredients by Junior Merino

10 Nov, 2013
/ by Bea Davis/
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In 2006 Junior Merino created the Liquid Chef line as a means of harnessing his talents and knowledge as a mixologist and offer them to the public. The Liquid Chef, Inc. was founded to educate and to show case the artistry and mixability of ingredients and liquors from all over the world. In 2008, Junior Merino added the Liquid Team— a group of highly trained mixologists inspired by his passion.


Junior identifies five elements contributing to an enjoyable and memorable cocktail. First–the visual, the beauty of the creation. Second–the scent of the combined ingredients. Third–taste; the harmonious interplay of all parts. Fourth–balance; the creation of something greater than the sum of the parts. Fifth–the human element; the dedication, passion, the knowledge and respect–with out these none of the above would be possible.  The line includes bitters, rimmers, and syrups.

